About NICE

Network Intelligence Center (NICE) focus on Networking and AI research, especially networked and distributed AI research. We conduct both theoretical investigation and algorithmic implementation with four perspectives: theory, algorithm, system and application. Our current research field is the co-design of next generation AI systems with the integration of computing, communication, control and cache.

NICE Vision

Networking and AI are two of the most transformative IT technologies. NICE will exploit the synergies between networking and AI to design the next generation of intelligent networks (6G and beyond) that are highly efficient, reliable, robust, and secure. A new distributed intelligence plane will be developed to ensure that these networks are self-healing, adaptive, and self-optimized. The future of AI is distributed because AI will increasingly be implemented across a diverse set of end, edge and cloud devices. These intelligent and adaptive networks will in turn unleash the power of collaboration to solve long-standing distributed AI challenges, making AI more efficient, interactive, and privacy preserving. NICE will develop the key underlying technologies for distributed and networked intelligence to enable a host of future transformative applications such as intelligent transportation, remote healthcare, distributed robotics, and smart aerospace.

I: networked AI system

This research field includes distributed machine learning system, federated learning system, intelligent IoT, edge intelligence system, and autonomous driving.

II: 6G communication system

This research field includes integration of perception and wireless communication, intelligent transportation system with co-design of cars and roads, intelligent antenna, intelligent metamaterial, intelligent satellite network system, and space-air-ground intelligent network system.

III: crowd intelligence

This research field includes multi-agent reinforcement learning (deep reinforcement learning), game theory under incomplete information, and decision intelligence with uncertainty.

IV: intelligent finance

This research field includes data mining from financial data and financial engineering.


Yuanming Shi

Room 2-302F, SIST Building

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Ziyu Shao
Associate Professor, Director

Room 2-302G, SIST Building

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Yong Zhou
Associate Professor, Director

Room 2-302E, SIST Building

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Youlong Wu
Assistant Professor

Room 2-302D, SIST Building

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Ziping Zhao
Assistant Professor

Room 1A-404D, SIST Building

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Lixiang Lian
Assistant Professor

Room 2-302C, SIST Building

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Yijie Mao
Assistant Professor

Room 2-302I, SIST Building

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Xin Liu
Assistant Professor

Room 2-302H, SIST Building

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Dingzhu Wen
Assistant Professor, Incoming

Room 2-302B, SIST Building

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